The Special Miracles in Vietnam

Hi everyone! 

This is my own little project trying to tell a story that can hardly be told the way I experienced it.

A year ago I had the privilege to get to know a group of precious children who live a different life than we do.

This lifetime most of us were lucky enough to be born into wealth and even more: healthy. Easier than not, it is easy to forget how good we have it. 


This time of the year we tend to fall into the everyday stress of completing things, achieving things and to top it off, consumerism prepares us well for Christmas. Take a breath, take a break and let me tell you about an experience that brought me closer to realizing the immense miracles this world holds dear.


About the kids

The majority of the children are affected by the very restrictive handicap, cerebral palsy. The first disorders in the brain occur very early, usually in childhood. This primarily affects all sensor motor skills and results in the inability to move. Although the symptoms vary and may be progressing at different rates, most common is spastic paralysis of the body. In addition, the ability to speak, to hear, to see and to think is also impaired. Spastic paralysis goes hand in hand with severe pain caused by muscle cramps.


The help and support we were able to provide was therefore mainly focused on physical therapy. Through exercise, the muscles are able to relax and develop more mobility. The children also need to be helped a lot when eating, as the muscle paralysis is accompanied by swallowing and chewing problems, which usually make independent eating impossible.

Donate now!

One euro for us means 27.000 dong in Vietnam. For this amount, a lunch can be bought in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City.


For the children in Vietnam, this means another warm meal,

new hygiene products,

the possibility for newer, better therapeutic options that help immensely in alleviating the pain a little and perhaps even a small Christmas present.


Via Paypal or Credit Card

Donation Account:


Name: Lisa Patterer



AT69 1200 0100 1443 8302




Use of order:


Merry Christmas in Vietnam

In the Western World the time of Christmas is owned by consumption and excessiveness.


Instead of spending time and money on material things that eventually will be left unused and forgotten about, remind yourself that donating even only a fraction of this amount could change lives in another world.


With only a small contribution you can give this group of loving and intelligent children hope and smiles. 

Due to the uncertain and overwhelming situation that Covid19 presents us with, I cannot provide physical support and help.

Nonetheless I know that even the smallest amount will change worlds for the children.

About me

A year ago, I embarked on a journey and began my adventure on the other side of the world, in a suburb of Vietnam's southern metropolis Ho Chi Minh City.

I was hoping for a way to use my healthy body and mind to make other lives better ones.


After months that I spent caring for the children, not only the incredible amount of gratitude I had for my own life changed, but also the way I now deal with difficult situations that I encounter in my life:

no word or action is too little when it comes to helping.

It is easy to fall into a state of inner dissonance, not knowing where to start when wanting to help and then ultimately decide on nothing. My stay in Vietnam changed my perspective on making an impact.


I can't change the whole world, but I can help make it a little better than I how it got to know it. Since then I carry this mission and vision in my heart: 

I want to try and do everything in my power, to share the privilege and health that I have so generously been blessed with this lifetime.

In advance, I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart! Every donation, no matter how small, is of immense value to me and the children in Vietnam.


Das Spenden-Sammeln steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit einem der Anbieter der Websites. Alle Aussagen beziehen sich auf meine eigene Erfahrung.

Die Fotos sind meine Eigenen und das Urheberrecht liegt bei mir. 



Wien | Österreich
